


I try to write my diary everyday. But recently I became a busy person. I have a job and I have a volunteer activity. Now I go to work twice a week. But in the near future, my shift will be harder than now because I'm still bigginer. Today I had a day off for the first time in a long time in my mind. After class I went to a lot of places. First of all I went to the inner Harbor to eat fish and chips.Oliginally we would go to horror attraction but there is a full reservation. So we changed the date to this Sunday. And looking to forward to joining that with my friends. After that I will go to Starbucks to kill time until 6 o'clock. From 6 o'clock we started to eat dinner at the Korean restaurant I like. After finish eating dinner we moved to another place to drink beer. Today I talked a lot but I could not talk what I want to say collectly. So I was frustrated about it. Some my Friends can speak a lot fluently. So I envied them.  But I have a lot of friends from other countries so I have a lot of a chance to speak English with them. By the way,  One of my friends said to me if I want I can join her roommates birthday party. And she also said there are so many Canadian  and there are good chances to talk with them to practice English. But I have Another plan to go to The place to eat dinner with my host mother. And I already said to join that so I couldn't refuse it. But I told her it was a good opportunity.so I said to  my friend next time please invite me. And I try to make a sentence to write in my diary.